Monday, August 8, 2011

140. Albus Severus Potter....

I am not a big Harry Potter fan, but if you have a tweenage child it is difficult not to be carried away by this powerful scheme...that is the Harry Potter Mania. Since I could not get a booking for a weekend movie, we had to take it on a Monday which was kind'a fun coz there's not much crowd in the mall, she does not have a tennis lesson and my hubby is in town. The last of the Harry Potter...hopefully...ended with a bang! As Neville Longbottom did an monologue that Harry Potter did not die in vain and that he will remain in the hearts of daughter included. Nineteen years later and a family emerged, an with that...a new Potter in the person of who else but Harry's son. I guess it never really ended, it commenced another series which my daughter is surely awaiting.

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