Friday, July 29, 2011

137. Campaigning for my Design

Despite my pain from the blisters all over my body, I had to campaign for my design to be voted as number one. Sitting in front of the computer for the entire day, I sent emails and messages to all my friends begging them to click that button that says vote! Let's wait and see what the result would be.

More and more designs are being uploaded and I am feeling anxious as to how it would be. But then I rest my case, all I think of is that I have done justice to the materials given to me. The usefulness of the product is what matters most.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

136. Keeping the pain at bay

Despite my pain, I did not want to stay at home. I decided life must go on and so is my work. From the morning, I started calling colleagues whom I was working on a project. I set up meetings and plan out our course of action. Then, my husband took me to EA to submit my design for the Art of Re-use. From there we went to school to pick up my daughter, did some errands on the side and then got home really exhausted. In the evening, I went for a walk with my hubby which really made me fall flat on the bed afterwards. But that's the beauty of life... doing that makes the pain go away

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

135. Shingles

For more than ten days I have been suffering. I have been diagnosed anything but the real thing. Today, I had to go to a dermatologist and check on the rashes appearing all over my body. Not another viral infection I prayed. And true enough, it the form of shingles! I am glad its not what I've been thinking of and am afraid of happening...what with all the bad luck I've been going through these days...anything can happen! I have to be on bed rest for the rest of the month, which means I cannot do any work. And I have to bear the itch and pain of the rashes that's expected to spread even more. But as I said, the awesome part is, it is not as serious as I thought it is.  

Monday, July 25, 2011

134. Art of Re-Use

Some months ago, out of my "wish" that for a change I should not buy but win a bag from Hidesign, I entered into a design contest wherein we were given scraps of leather and participants will have to make something out of it. We collected by kit from the Hidesign store at EA only to sit in my headboard for months together. Then came the deadline and I was getting emails after emails from the organizers. But I was sick! And I have no idea what to do. In fact, am not even aware of what all are in that bag. And then, the deadline was extended for a week...its like,, they're waiting for ME! So, despite my pain, I opened the packet and lo and behold...scraps of leather in two tones of brown. What am I to do with these??? To my surprise, in less than an hour, I was proudly showing my designs to my husband who was busy working on the computer. I made a headband and two hairclips out of the two-toned brown leather scraps! I am very proud of myself that I vowed to enter my pieces in the competition which means taking good photographs of it and submitting it back to Hidesign at EA. I may not win a bag, and end up buying one just the same but the thought that there is nothing impossible in turning something that we may consider waste into something beautiful and useful is enough for me.  

Sunday, July 24, 2011

133. PhysioTherapy

Today was my first day of Physio Therapy and believe me, its not something that I thoroughly enjoyed. I was put on neck traction for 15 minutes and another session on electromagnetic treatment. But to be fair, it did make me feel a little better, at least those minutes after I got out of the treatment centre. I have to be going for these treatments in the next few days and I sincerely hope that I get out of these miserable health situation soon. Wondering where the awesome part of this is? Its the fact that we could afford these treatments, otherwise, I will have to suffer endlessly!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

132. GYM Search

As part of my vow to a healthy lifestyle is to go to a gym where I can start working out and going on a weight-loss program. Yesterday, we went to O2 in Besant Nagar and I was quite impressed with their facilities and the programs that the place offers. But I did not want to commit myself as yet. I needed to look at two other places located very close to home. Today, with my friend Susan, we went to PINK, a gym specially designed for ladies and STAMINA, one that I and Susan did not like much even as we entered. As of now, we have zeroed in on PINK and I would most likely register in another day or two. In the meantime, I am watching what I eat and am going on daily walks to start my system into a weight-loss regiment. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

131. A vow to good health

What happened to me two days ago shook the hell out of me. I kept thinking how it would have been if something morbidly serious happened to me that day...all because I neglected my health. Today, I vow to keep a good health! The first step is to have a sincere discussion with my husband about what I want to achieve and how important it is for me...and as usual, he is there to support me in any way he can. Second, we shortlisted a gym to where I can enroll myself for a regular work-out. Its not cheap! But we are willing to put in that money and most importantly the effort it requires. Third, after a long time...we went for a good walk! Forty-five minutes along Bessy beach and in search for the tennis court where we were supposed to enroll our daughter for her own fitness regiment. From today, I vow to stay away from all the fatty food and carbonated drinks, fried stuff and oily items. Its not easy I know, but then I realized that there is no amount of health to buy me good health. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

130. Cravings

Every now and then, we give in to cravings. This happen mostly when my daughter and I are alone and I am lazy to step into the kitchen and cook. Today, we had cravings for burger and true enough, right after school, we headed to the closest burger stand and bought the yummiest of burgers. I was a little disappointed that this place does not put in much of veggies on their burgers, but nevertheless, their burgers were yummy. Two days ago, we had cravings for KFC and as usual, we did our very own bucket challenge. It was always fun bonding with my daughter but I must keep in mind that the calories it brings may not be good after all.

Monday, July 18, 2011

129. Pain

For the whole day, I was in pain. My back hurts, I had chest pain and I couldn't stand driving back and forth, yet I had no other choice. I had to go for an ECG and I was scared the whole time. But I felt so loved. My daughter was the best in caring for me and looking after my needs. My husband, though from a distance, showed me how much he cared. I am so blessed to experience the best of love while I am in pain.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

128. Aakash, Bianka and Arfan

They started together some eight years ago. They have grown and matured. They are still friends. We are still friends with their families. Its nice to get-together and meet friends, reminisce the old days and look forward to what tomorrow may bring. This is what we did when we met for dinner at Kirky's today. Meera and family had come for holidays from the US and together with Rafi and Aysha's family, we had fun while the children talked about their days in St Michael's and how they are doing in their respective schools. Bianka had a good time with the boys though she earlier complained that it would have been more fun if Shivani had been there. Unfortunately, friends like Pungi, Priya and Sudha could not be with us. It would have been a complete reunion for all of us.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

127. Designer Bags

Today is the very first day when my husband and I get to mingle with Sishya Parents since this is the first PTA meeting we are attending. It was a lot of fun and we were very happy that our little girl did very well on her first term in a new school. They were all praise for her performance and good marks...and we were very proud indeed. While at school, I couldn't help but notice designer bags all over the place. Moms carry their Prada totes casually, their Coaches, LV's, Fendi's, Burberry, Gucci are all paraded in style. There were a spattering of Hidesigns but the most of them carried an international brand in style. Does this tell me anything? Of course, not only did I regret not lugging my LV or a DKNY or a Fendi...but I realized how Chennai women do have a sense of style and they do have the right to pull it thru in a very nice way. And the awesome feeling that "I can do that too", adds to the excitement!

Friday, July 15, 2011

126. Neck Pain

For almost a week now, I have been suffering from this nagging neck pain. I tried to, as usual, ignore the pain but it seems to be getting into my nerves lately. I would not have gone to the doctor if it doesn't bother me when I drive but since I would be doing a lot of driving around in the next few days, I decided to go and see an ortho. After an initial investigation and a plate of x-ray, it was diagnosed. It was a minor prolapse on my neck bones which the doctor assured can be cured easily provided I go through the medication process, do some exercises and if possible go for physio-therapy. It was a good thing to do I thought because there seem to be a lot of improvement on the first course of medication itself.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

14. Choir

Today was my daughter's second week in the music class conducted by a French lady names Betty. She seem to be really enjoying every class specially with the fact that her close friend Annie is there with her. Annie's mom and I would drop them off and come back to pick them up...on the side, we would be peeping while listening to these boys and girls vocalizing and singing. We both love to sing and would have loved to join the choir ourselves..but then, our girls would not allow us. After today's class, Betty approached us saying they need altos and we as adults would be ideal. Then and there our girls started screaming in protest. They simply do not want their moms in the same class. this teenage years??? When your kids do not want to see you around anymore when they are with their friends??? But then, I guess we need to respect their wish!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

124. The joy of dropping to and picking up from school

Its been quite a while since I did this. I almost forgot how to do it...yep, dropping my daughter to school and picking her up later. Today, I had to do it...and found that it was something that I used to enjoy and still do. This is part of my part-time-career-woman/full-time-mother mode! It can be a little tiring but who's complaining...I get to do some shopping on the side, not bad at all isn't it? But seriously, the joy of doing this for my daughter is something that I truly cherish.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

123. A chat with a friend

I do not talk to this friend often but when we chat, I could feel the sincerity of our friendship. Its been sooooo long since we met last. But that does not mean we don't remember each other fact, he is such a nice person that I like to reminisce our days together. The days when we use to bargain for the taxi fare, eat out at the cheapest cafeteria and so many other things that are part of the wonderful memories we would like to keep forever. Today is this person's birthday and I have all the best wishes for him....and he will fondly be remembered as always. Chatting with him is always a pleasure!

Monday, July 11, 2011

122. Raising a pre-teen girl

Will someone please get me a copy of this book...or any other book that would tell me how to deal with a teen-age girl! Sometimes it can be so frustrating how our children do not seem to understand that all we want is the best for them. My daughter is no exception! I now know how many parents wish their children remain children...yes, the cutie-little-ones! Today, she came home in such a good mood...jokes and laughter included. The next minute she is all cranky about her mobile phone and how she is not allowed to call her friend...yeah, this happens just as we enter the house coming from school....i wonder what they'd talk about just minutes after they said bye to each other.  I told her to rest...and that for her means, reading her comic books and listening to music to which I have to again say no...and the next round of tantrums flew in. Like this, my world revolves around trying to make her understand the rules of the house and how they are made just to protect her and support her...not necessarily to make her life, as she calls it...miserable! Hayyy...I was never like that as a teenager!!! And yep, she's not yet a teenager....but don't you dare ask my mom!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

121. GV turns 60

Blessings abound! My husband turned 60, hale and healthy. We had a simple celebration for my husband's 60th birthday. A trip to the temple and a get-together with the family. If you know my husband, that simple celebration itself is something that we had to coaxed him in to. His simplicity and humility is exemplary...two of the best qualities I liked in him. More than celebrating the occasion, I celebrate the person. I will never fail to celebrate the person in him and I will never stop loving my dear GV for just being there for me all the time. The wind beneath my wings, the father-friend-brother-lover that I am lucky to have.  

Saturday, July 9, 2011

120. Property Hunting

It was a beautiful day as we finally zeroed in on a property that would be our next home! It was a Saturday and even though we wanted to stay in bed longer than we usually do, we decided to go and visit a property fair being held at the Chennai Trade Centre. It was a high end property exhibition and we expected only the very best...and yes, the very best we found. It was a wonderful experience going through options and it was wonderful to know that yes, we do have options...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

117. Jewellery

Fortunately or unfortunately, I am not a lover of anything that glitters on my body. At the most, I would be wearing my wedding ring, my thali and the bracelet that my M-I-L requested me to wear at all times. Today, reluctantly, mu husband and I had to drag ourselves to the jewellery store to make a purchase requested by my in-laws for my husband's birthday. How difficult it is to buy something for someone who would not want to wear any such things. We finally settled on a simple piece that he said he would wear on that day and that's it. He never forces me to do anything that I don't like doing so I guess I have no right to force him into wearing something that he does not like...well, maybe I should keep it then!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

116. A whole New World!

Today, I woke up with this song in my mind. Probably because its July and it reminds me of someone who I dearly loved...the person I enjoyed watching the movie with, bearing this soundtrack, some years ago. It seems apt because I am venturing into a whole new world soon. There are hurdles to be faced and challenges to be tackled, but I believed that it would be just another carpet ride to enjoy and experience a whole new realities of life. And before I forgot, Alladin's birthday comes soon...hope you have an enchanting one...wherever you are!

Monday, July 4, 2011

115. Working from home!

This is something that I have done before and I don't know how is it that I feel uncomfortable doing the same now. Working from home spares me from all the hassles of going to office - dressing up, rushing, driving. But then, working from home makes me a lot less productive because I am exposed to the unfinished housework that I thought should be attended to since I am home anyway. It worked for me before but I am not sure, it would work well in the long run. I better get up and go to work!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

114. Indian Weddings

They always fascinate me. Whether big or small, grand or simple...I am still in awe whenever I see Indian brides and groom who has been matched with each other.  I have nothing against it, and I respect the Indian culture of arranged marriages but I always wonder as to how these two people would start a life together. There may be differences, there may be difficulties, but Indian marriages are some of the strongest in the world. Today, as we attended a rather grand wedding of our family doctor, I sincerely wished the bride and groom a lovely companionship and a long and happy married life. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

113. Driving around and feeling happy about it...

Today, I was in the car most of the time. Driving my loved ones to the places where they should be and I need not. But I really did not mind those time I was at the wheel for I felt nothing but happiness to see the happy faces. It was a tiring day being a chauffeur...but I won't trade this day for any other day...for I saw how my husband felt relieved to have accomplished all that he had to do and how my daughter felt proud of having someone to take her and her friends around despite the odds. And most of all...I that God that we have a car to drive around!

Friday, July 1, 2011

112. Thirumalai Vaiyavur

Since we came back from abroad, we never had the chance to visit this place we love to call our family temple. We have come to love Thirumalai Vaiyavur not only because of its proximity to our farm but because the the Thirupati God in the temple seem to be our guiding light in life as a family. Every time we come for a visit seem like a coming home to the father who never fail to keep us feel we are in the safest of places and the warmest of hearts. A swift swing in the evening was well worth the tedious travel. Reaching home after a long drive we were treated to a peaceful sleep dreaming about the beautiful day --- right from the Anna University meeting to ACJ's offer, finishing my daughter's exam, visit to Mr Balu, the enchanting temple climb and finally realizing how good God has been to us! Govinda! Govinda!