Friday, June 17, 2011

97. Stepping out of the charade

Empty vessels make the most noise, a proverb said. Very true! I have noticed people who would be telling you what all they have done in life and all the achievements they gathered, even without you asking for it. Unsolicited? Maybe. But it’s their way of easing their way into the limelight that they will never be a part of. These people are those who are clothed with insecurity blanket because they have nothing to actually show. To camouflage that, they talk. And talking they do best. (Wonder then why they don’t go into broadcasting? But yeah, for that you need to talk sense. But that too, they don’t have). Sadly, there are those who believe those kinds of people. And as my colleague rightly put it, they even adore them the same way they would adore Lord Vishnu! Our conclusion is plain and simple, people believe because they are ignorant. And they will remain ignorant because they chose to believe these kinds of people. Fortunately, we have a choice to just step out and not allow ourselves to be part of the charade!   

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